Marshfield city leaders have unveiled the results of a economic study on the impact of a possible new frac sand industry in the city.
Marshfield’s Director of Planning and Economic Development Jason Angel says just the taxes collected from a frac sand facility means a big influx of money to the area. Angel says, 'The total taxes paid per plant is just over $122,000 per year, assuming the 2011 tax rate.'
The study came in response to plans by Wood County officials to charge frac sand companies a road usage fee to pay for added wear to county roads.
Marshfield Mayor Chris Meyer worries that Marshfield could lose new jobs if companies like Completion Industrial Minerals decide to go elsewhere because of the additional fees, and that the answer might be to find other funding sources like 'Transportation Economic Assistance grants' for the road repairs.
Marshfield’s Common Council had previously passed a resolution opposing the county’s plans to levee the added road fee.